Education, Mentorships, and More!

2023 is going to be a huge year of growth for me. I’m really taking this year to invest into my education in Photography. I hope to gain new skills to enhance my editing style. As well as inspiration on styling and creative ways to capture more of those authentic moments. I can’t wait for you guys to follow along on this exciting journey with me! This is what’s on the agenda:

March 2023

May 2023

June 2023

I’m doing a 3 week Creative Processing workshop  from the amazing Sarah Cornish.  @myfourhensphotograph
This is an Intensive, Inspiring, Fun and Down to Earth Workshop to help bring out the most in my Photoshop Processing. 

I’m doing a shoot out from the incredibly talented
Shiloh Colleen @shilohcolleenphotography. Shiloh is an incredibly talented instructor and photographer. And I'm excited to soak up all that she has to offer and even more...I can't wait to show you the images I capture from her shootout! 

✈️ Flying  to Alaska for a week to learn from two of my favorite photographer mentors one on one! Lauren Samuels @laurensamuelsphoto and Theresa Sherronn @theresasherron. This will be my first time ever away from my daughter, so this is huge for me!

I can’t wait to see how much my love, knowledge, and skills in photography will evolve this year! And how that will come through in my work!

Building a new website!

I hope you like it! This is it; my new website! 🤩

It's really been on my heart to create a new website that really represented me and my style of work. My old website was good to me, but it was time to move on up! Please bare with me as this site is still a work in progress and under construction...I'm literally still learning the ins/outs of it. 

The moment you stop learning is the moment you stop growing.

Learning a new CRM

CRM?! Huh?! Lol, I just had to google what that even stands for, because I have no clue. And computer coding & website building are definitely not in my wheelhouse! CRM stands for customer relationship management. CRM is most often used to describe the category of products that enables effective customer relationship management.

To break it down: this is a software that I'm learning how to use to help me send you more user friendly contracts, invoices, and questionnaires that you can sign electronically from the comfort of your phone! My long time clients know this is definitely an upgrade.